In the final part of this "blog fade" series of posts, I want to share with you about an exciting new service that I've integrated into the individual posts of this site - Readability. A few weeks ago - on January 29, 2011 to be exact - the team at Arc90 released the new version of the Readability service. Previously, Readability was a little browser bookmarklet that stripped away all the cruft from a website leaving just the text behind - almost like a print-preview if you will. Now, the service from Readability does that and so much more!
From their website (
Read comfortably — anytime, anywhere.
Readability turns any web page into a comfortable reading view right in your web browser. Too busy to read right then and there? Readability makes it simple to save your favorite articles for reading later.Readability works on all major phones and tablets. It detects your device and optimizes your reading view for maximum comfort.
As a Readability subscriber, you’ll be a part of something bigger: a sustainable publishing ecosystem. Here’s how it works: every time you use Readability on a particular article, a portion of your subscription fees go right to the content creators. You get a fantastic reading experience. Publishers and writers get compensated for the content you enjoy. Everyone reads happily ever after.

In order to make it easy for you to use Readability, I've discretely added the Readability button underneath the post header for all individual posts and pages. Since Readability isn't designed to work on main collection pages, the main page of this blog will not contain Readability links. So if you want to try out Readability, click on the the title of any blog post to visit that individual article. Then simply click on "Read: Now" to see that article optimized for your reading pleasure by Readability. If you like it, consider joining to support future development of the service and to support content creators - including me!
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